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Why Spending Time Alone is OK

I'm sure you are all familiar with the concept of introverts and extroverts; from the moment that I became aware of the difference between the two, it was as though things suddenly made sense. I will be the first to admit that there are moments in time when I am certainly 'out there', changing the way that I behave in order to adapt to the situation at hand; but ultimately, I like my own company. The thought of people being afraid of doing things alone is baffling to me, as I find the greatest peace when taking a walk and getting lost in a whirlwind of my own thoughts. Honestly, spending time alone is up there with one of my favourite things to do.

The question that I often find myself asking is why do people see doing things alone as such strange behaviour? Being alone doesn't mean that you're lonely.. in fact it's a well known fact that we all need a little time to ourselves every now and then, to refresh, recharge and just give ourselves some LUVIN. There is absolutely nothing wrong with turning down plans for a solo Netflix-athon after a hard week and I encourage you to schedule a 'you' day in the diary every now and then.. you'll thank me, I promise. A few of my favourite things to do alone include shopping (because nobody likes the pressure of holding up another person!), taking up route in cosy coffee shops and curling up on the sofa with a stack of reading material.. as much as I read when I'm in the presence of others, there's nothing like grabbing a cuppa and soaking up the silence.

Like I said, being alone doesn't necessarily mean that you're lonely. If you're a social media user like myself, being alone never really means that you are alone.. we live in a world where there is always someone a click away; we are in control of the company that we choose to give our time to, and that is the beauty of it all. Experiencing loneliness exhausts the mind and the body, where as spending time by yourself allows the mind and body to heal. We lead stressful lives, we go through struggles on a daily basis, thus alone-ness is a necessity.

I feel as though I should mention that the point of this blog post wasn't to ramble on about just how much I enjoy my own company (although I'm sure you've probably got the gist by now, soz) but more to reassure you that you are not alone. There is nothing wrong with being categorised as an introvert, in the same way that there is nothing wrong with preferring to spend your time as part of a group; we are all different and that is okay.


  1. I completely agree with you. I obviously love spending time with my family and friends but I always need alone time to just reboot and stop myself from feeling exhausted xx

    1. Thanks Emma, I'm glad you can relate! It's nice to step back and have a little time to collect your thoughts every now and then XX

  2. I Love my own space! So many people don't seem to get this or think I'm been moody . . This post is so relatable for me x

  3. I totally agree, 10/10, with this post. Like you said, its okay to be yourself, introvert or extrovert, doesn't matter. More people need to realise this..loved it!

  4. I love spending time on my own. It saddens me that some people can't be comfortable in their own company.


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