Practising Self Care
This is something that we should aaaall be doing a heck of a lot more, if you ask me. This month I finally got my butt into gear and started doing yoga a couple of times a week (I still haven't braved a class though!) which has made a world of difference to how I'm feeling both mentally and physically; I have also got back into writing regularly, as well as reading my second and third books of 2019. THIS GIRL HAS GOT HER MOJO BACK.Oh and did I mention that I decided to take the plunge and get some pink in my hair? Well, I did! If you don't believe me you can see for yourself here.
Spending Time With Friends
My friendship group is small and select, but that doesn't mean that it isn't nigh-on impossible to get everybody together in one place, at one particular time. BUT ALAS this month started off with a team brunch (which was delightful) and continued with coffees, catch ups and far too many portions of chicken chow mein to count- but whatcha gonna do? As we get older it becomes harder to maintain friendships because lets face it life gets a little bit crazy sometimes... but when we do get the opportunity to spend time together it makes us all say "we should try and do this a heck of a lot more!"It's My Birthday, Bitch!
The 21st of March marked my 23rd birthday, which of course meant that celebrations were in full swing... all of the food, drinks and dancing! My friends and family well and truly spoilt me, and it's safe to say that I entered my 23rd year with a BIG OL' SMILE.Netflix, Netflix and more Netflix
I'm going to put my hands up and say that although I have done some cracking things over the past 31 days, I will always be a telly-bug. There's nothing that I love more than putting on something fleecy (and totally unacceptable to be worn outside) making a cuppa and snuggling up with a share-bag of malteasers to binge watch the 'series of the moment'... It's safe to say that this month's offerings did not disappoint, with Sex Education, The Sinner and Abducted in Plain Sight making the top three. Also, tell me I'm not the only person that finished the latter with approximately 100 questions?The next couple of months are going to be busy, but I'm excited to see what they have in store! Lets see if we can make monthly roundups a 'thing'...
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