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Twenty Eighteen: The Year Of Putting Me First

And just like that, we survived the first month of the year (and are in fact now half way through the second) There's no denying that January felt never ending, but now it's over I'm just about ready to drag myself out of the post-festive slump and FINALLY get my butt into gear... With that being said, the question that I have spent the past few weeks asking is should I make any resolutions this year? 

Without boring you with the details, I have chosen to instead make a list of the things that I want to achieve over the next twelve months (because who needs the pressure of broken resolutions?) these include improving my photography, adding to my minimal collection of piercings and getting a tattoo, as well as learning to cook something other than spagbol with a side of cheesy garlic bread. I want to make 2018 as stress free as possible, and worrying about whether or not I've managed to shift the extra pounds that crept on throughout December seems a little wasteful... FYI I definitely didn't shift any pounds in January, I consumed far too many miniature heroes and certainly didn't set foot in the gym. 

My intention for this post was to originally talk about all of the wonderful things that happened over the past month and a half, but as I spent almost every day sat at my laptop writing assignments of some shape or form it seemed a little pointless #unilyf. There's no doubt you will have noticed that things have been a little dry in the blog department over the past month or so, with posts being few and far between (boo) however I'm planning on jumping back on the bandwagon from now onwards! I spent last year beating myself up for not being able to balance work, blogging and university, but as the latter is coming to an end I'm determined to CHILL. This weekend shall be spent taking photos, pre-writing a handful of posts and embracing a little bit of me time... 

The truth is I can't remember the last time that I felt like I had my shit together, but I've got a good feeling about 2018 and am hoping to create some sort of plan and get back to kicking butt ASAP. If anybody has any killer ways for getting their motivation back I would love to hear them, because this girl needs all the help she can get! So here's to a month filled with glorious almost Spring weather and cheap v-day chocolate, because does it really get better than that?

PS. If you haven't already picked up this book, I urge you to do so. I'm a sucker for a self-help book and this little gem is filled with tips and tricks for sassy working women that are looking to grab life in both hands and OWN IT (it's safe to say it has been a v well used Christmas present!)

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