It's getting to that time of year where those of us who didn't give in to the 'new year new me' gym binge are realising that perhaps we ought to get our butt's into gear- well, I know that I am anyway! The Easter chocolate hit has left me with some less than welcome podge, so over the next couple of months I want to be strict with myself to get back to the physical state that I am most comfortable in; I'm not following any sort of meal plan, nor a set exercise routine, but I'm going to make some important changes to my lifestyle, and welcome any of you to join me! I've decided to use Pinterest and Tumblr to create inspiration boards, in order to motivate myself- why not check them out!?
Being a student I don't have a lot of spare money, meaning that when it comes to working out I have to make do with what I have.. in this case, it's a yoga mat, some hand held weights, gym gear and approximately 3 square metres of floor space. Although being ever so convenient, and a heck of a lot cheaper than a gym membership, working out at home can be hard. When you're tucked up in your jimmies, the thought of changing into something a little more forgiving and rolling out your yoga mat can be less than appealing.. and when you finally find your mojo, it's so easy to let your mind wander and distractions take over, trust me! I have put together some top tips for working out at home, that I (and you!) can use to try and stay on track.
Plan, Plan, Plan!
Before I begin a workout, I like to plan out the exercises that I am going to complete, and for how long, how many reps, etc. Now I am a hayooooge dawdler, so the only way for me to get things done is to make sure that I have things planned out in great detail- sometimes this trait is a blessing, other times, not so much! Being at home can be a barrier in itself when it comes to working out, as there is nobody to motivate you (or to give you the 'hurry up I'm waiting' look whilst you're using a machine!); creating a routine can help to stay on track and get your workout completed to the best of your ability. Don't forget to switch it up every now and then, as repeating yourself too much will allow your body to become accustom to the exercises- you need to continue to push yourself!
Create a Workout Space
By creating a space that is dedicated for working out, whether it is in the corner of your bedroom, or an area that is completely separate, you can focus on what you want to achieve without distractions. Not only this, but it will help to feel a bit more 'official'- what's better than a home gym after all!?
Make Time for Your Workout
As I have mentioned time and time again, it is so damn easy to get distracted when working out at home; the slightest buzz can throw you off course and ruin your focus for completing the rest of your exercises (those pesky Facebook notifications!). I find that if I set aside a certain amount of time, and remove all distractions from the area, I can make the most of my workout.
If, like me, you are trying to make some changes to your lifestyle, but can't afford the gym or fancy 'fad' diets, don't panic.. once you've got yourself into a routine of working out at home it'll be a piece of cake (metaphorically!) I'd love to hear from any of you that are doing the same, as I'm on the hunt for YouTube channels or podcasts with simple workouts that can be completed at home- let me know!
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