As somebody who doesn't drink a lot, people are often bemused at the thought of there being 'a limit' and knowing when to stop; over my few short years of adulthood I have had my fair share of alcohol fuelled nights, hence my decision to be a bit more sensible with what I drink.. I simply can't handle it, and that's okay! For all of you that are feeling a little confused at where I am going with this, I promise you that I haven't gone mad and decided to give you all a play by play of my experiences with alcohol, this post is all about the vodka induced product that is the LUSH Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub- the holy grail of exfoliators!
The formula itself is made up of limes steeped in vodka (hence the alcohol reference!), grapefruit and a heck of a lot of salt.. as you can imagine it is somewhat fragrant, however this adds to the invigorating experience! It is refreshing on both the body and the mind, leaving you feeling decongested and as fresh as a daisy. Despite the abrasive sea salt, in place to remove dead cells and all of the nastiness that the skin absorbs throughout the day, it is combined with avocado butter, coconut oil and seaweed absolute to leave you feeling silky smooth! What more could a girl ask for?
I have only used this product a handful of times so far, as the results that it provide mean that it isn't necessary to exfoliate too often (plus its fairly abrasive, so you don't want to do more damage than good!) however I am very impressed with how my skin both looks and feels. I am also yet to try it anywhere other than my face, however being a body scrub too I'm sure that it will be just as effective no matter where it's used! I shall be sure to keep you up to date. If you have dry, irritated or dull skin that is suffering from the transition to warmer weather, I can't recommend this enough. Go out and get yourself some Ocean Salt!
-M xxx
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