Now I'm not normally one to join in with 'tagged posts', as I don't like seeing the same content on all of the blogs that I follow, however I was recently tagged by Katy over at Dressed by Two and decided that I'd give it a go. This particular post is all about me- a little vein, I know, but I thought that I would give you all a little update! I'm an avid magazine reader, with tens of copies of Vogue stacked up in the corner of my room and boxes of Glamour tucked under my bed; yes, I love the fashion, but I can't get enough of interviews too. I am definitely nosey, there's no denying it, I love to find out the latest trends that my fashion icons are loving, as well as what they have for breakfast- strange, I know! We live in a world where everything is broadcasted, and the type of person that I am (nosey!), I kind of love it. So here it goes.. And excuse my toes in the picture!

On my days off I like to:
Chill, chill, chill. But if I'm not lazing around watching Netflix, I love walks along the beach wrapped up in my woolies, with a big bag of chips!
The last thing that I bought was:
A new pair of jeans- boring, I know! My beloved pair of black Jamie's are on their way out.
The last country that I visited was:
Italy. Me and Jack took a short trip last summer before he went off to uni, it was bliss.
Can I speak another language?
Sadly, no. With a family home in France you would have thought so, but 'bonjour' with a croissant in hand is as French as I get.
The last film that I watched was:
Monsters University- it's a great film! I love Pixar, I have no shame.
My favourite line:
"I found a nickel! Sure wish I had pockets."
My favourite TV show is:
Honestly, I couldn't choose one! I love The Walking Dead, but I am also team Chuck Bass..
My favourite food is:
There's no fighting it, I am a pizza kinda girl through and through. I'd take that over an Instagram-worthy smoothie any day, although I do love green tea!
My favourite place to eat is:
I am a huge fan of Italian food, so anywhere that can serve some delicious pizza or pasta!
My perfect evening:
It depends on my mood, I love dressing up and going out, but at the same time I wouldn't turn down a night in front of the telly with a Chinese, you can't beat crispy duck.
Instagram or Snapchat?
Instagram all the way! I can't deal with waking up to 375 second long stories.
Facebook or Twitter?
I have become a bit of a tweet addict of late! But I have finally created a Facebook page.
PC or Mac?
Until last year I was a PC user, but since buying my MacBook Air, I'm a changed woman.
If I wasn't a blogger I would be:
A full time student and sales assistant at Topshop (which is my current job!)
In 10 years time I would like to be:
Married, doing something that I love- cliché I know, but it's true!
My current wardrobe staples are:
Ankle boots, chunky knitwear and dainty jewellery
The items that I am currently lusting after are:
The Chloe Drew Chain Small Bag in pale pink and a pair of leopard print flats- please!
My blogging goals for the next 6 months are:
I am aiming to reach 100 Bloglovin' followers, and increase my posting to 3 times a week.
You can all take a breath now, that's it! I hope that you've all enjoyed finding out a little bit more about me, and if you have any unanswered questions let me know, I'd be happy to share. I tag LatteLeanne, but urge anybody with a blog to get involved, us nosey folk are always intrigued to find out more about the voice behind the posts!
Loved your post babe! We've just followed you on BlogLovin to help you reach your goal. Look forward to reading your other posts, lots of love xxxx
Good Luck on getting 100 followers on Bloglovin.
livvy (