This post is a little late coming (three days to be exact!), but I have been overrun with assignments and deadlines at uni, which has sadly taken a toll on my blogging schedule- booo! I can't believe that it's March already, it seems like January sped by and February barely even happened, which I'm not so thrilled about; but with this new month comes my 20th Birthday, the beginning of Spring (hoorah!) and endless amounts of chocolate eggs.
I made several new discoveries throughout February, mostly beauty related, however some other bits too, so I thought that I would share some of my best purchases with you!
One of my all time favourite things from February is the book HEARTBURN by Nora Ephron; sadly I haven't had much time for reading for pleasure since I started my course in September, however due to the shortness (a mere 180 pages) of this book, I couldn't resist! I heard about this book from Tanya Burr's Youtube Channel, however was instantly attracted to it's size, I managed to read it in a couple of days, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would definitely call it an easy read, about a woman who is left alone by her cheating husband through the early stages of her pregnancy; it doesn't sound all that lighthearted, but as her character is a cookery writer, there are recipes thrown in at the most unexpected places, which I love!
I know that I am mega behind when it comes to the Real Techniques Core Collection, but I finally decided to take the plunge and honestly, I haven't looked back. Having spent years applying my foundation with my fingers, aiming for the lightest of coverage, I have always avoided foundation brushes as I was worried that they would provide me with a 'cakey' look, however the Real Techniques Foundation Brush allows you to apply your make up with full control, working perfectly with the Buffing Brush which helps to work the foundation into the skin. If you haven't tried this set, I would urge you to pick one up- I bought mine on eBay for £7.99, which is a fraction of the RRP!
February saw the global obsession with Gwen Stefani's Urban Decay collection- although I can totally understand the craze, it's gorgeous! I have loved Gwen ever since I heard 'Hollaback Girl' back in the 00's, from her grunginess to her oozing self confidence; she's a role model to us girls everywhere! I was eager to try the collection as soon as it was released, and as soon as I received her creamy, pigmented lipstick in the shade Ex-Girfriend I was in love- but that was a given, it is Urban Decay after all! Not only is the product itself outstanding, but the black and gold packaging is lust-worthy too, a definitely make up bag staple. Have you tried any of the Urban Decay x Gwen collection?
The Baby Skin Instant Fatigue Blur was a last minute addition to my February Favourites; I received this product at London Fashion Weekend, as the whole thing was associated with Maybelline New York- a brand that I haven't had much experience with. I was pleasantly surprised by the creamy texture of the product, which leaves the skin feeling super smooth, creating the perfect base for make up- it definitely perks up those pesky eye bags! This product retails at £7.99 which is a purse friendly alternative to pricier brands.
Finally, something that I have been meaning to try for months are the Lush Cosmetics Tea Tree Tabs; at only a pound each, they are a great quick-fix solution for blocked pores. A combination of tea tree and aloe vera soothes the skin, whilst fighting bacteria and helping to prevent breakouts, which is perfect for the combination weather in the UK at the mo! The next time I visit a LUSH store, these are definitely on my list.
What are your February favourites? I would love to hear your suggestions for beauty bits (or good books!) that I should take a look at in March.
That lipstick is such a pretty colour, I also love the real technic brushes! I was going to pick up a baby skin recently but I thought it was quite small for the price so I didnt buy it in the end x
I would definitely recommend the lipstick, it's a gorgeous colour and is very long lasting too! I know what you mean about the Baby Skin, I picked mine up as part of a 2 for £10 offer at LFW so I saved myself a few pennies, but I would definitely recommend giving it a go if it's part of a 3 for 2 offer! X