I'm not about to pretend that I'm big on fitness; yes, I like taking care of myself on the inside and out, but no, I definitely do not put half as much effort in as I know I should. I know that my poor eating habits can be easily changed, but the exercise on the other hand.. It's not like you just wake up one day and decide to go for a 10K run, although many claim to have an 'exercise epiphany'. This year I have decided to sign up for the Race for Life and I am determined to smash it! But for me, 2016 is all about yoga and strengthening not only my core, but my emotions- who doesn't love good vibes!?
Honestly, I've always thought of yoga as being a bit of a fad, but I have been planning on making some health and lifestyle changes for a while, and this seems like the perfect place to start. I used to work a lot harder when it came to exercising, dreaming of achieving the perfect body, but after slowly falling out of a routine I'm certain that this time around I want to achieve more than just physical benefits.. I want to feel good.
I've been researching yoga for some time, and have finally taken the plunge; although I haven't quite summoned the courage to attend a session, I've been using YouTube videos to get to grips with the basics. After only a few days of bending and stretching, despite initially being very sleepy when I'm done, I have experienced little muscle soreness and have found myself feeling super energised the following day! Although a super lean body isn't my overall goal, I am hoping that all of this core work will help to strengthen my muscles and leave me with a nice toned tum- and increased flexibility!
This year is full of exciting things; I've got a wedding to attend, and am hoping for a last minute holiday, but there's also going to be a lot of work involved. I'm looking forward to using yoga to boost my mind and body, and hopefully when I finally manage to attend a class, to meet some new people too. Has anybody else tried yoga? If so, how have you found the benefits?
-M xxx
oh wow! Good luck for race for life I am sure you will do really well! I wish I had the time to exercise more x