

The Best of December 2016

I haven't done a favourites post for quite some time, not because I think that they are overrated or anything silly like that (because I for one love nosing into other peoples business!) but because I haven't found myself loving anything. In terms of material objects, December and the months previous were no different; aside from the inevitable glittery party pieces (and chocolate yule log of course!), I have found myself crushing on very little.. however, if we're talking experiences, the past month was a good'en.

Time with the family. Yes, we argue like cats and dogs the majority of the time, but at Christmas it's as though our squabbles seem beyond trivial- or is it just me!? There's something about sitting around the table with a board game and a hefty box of chocolates (with a bit of Bublé playing in the background!) that brings the fam together, and I couldn't be happier. Can it be Christmas every day?

Making the most of the chilly weather. Did somebody say winter walks!? Yes yes and yes again. There's no denying that Autumn and Winter are my favourite seasons, so any excuse to pop on my wellies, wrap up warm and trek across fields with my partner and my favourite pup is a YES from me. 

Catching up on my favourite bloggers. Working in retail (and at a restaurant!) means that Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for me, however it also means that when I have some down time I like to reaaally make the most of it. Throughout the past month I have spent countless hours tucked up by the Christmas tree scrolling through posts written by my favourite bloggers, whether it's blogmas related or not, and I have loved every minute of it. I can totally embrace the hygge way of life, and I am determined to enter the new year with that in mind.

Stepping back and reflecting. Over the past 6 months I have worked my socks off when it comes to my blog. At the start of the year I made it my goal to post at least once a week and without sounding too forward- I smashed it! Throughout 2016 I produced a lot of content that I am very proud of, as well as working with some amazing brands, which has in turn lead to some exciting things on the horizon for the beginning of the new year.. YAY! I haven't made any resolutions for 2017 (due to rarely sticking to them) however I have promised myself to continue to work hard to produce a high standard of written content, improve my photography and just generally kick butt.

I can't believe that I have just written my final post of the year; how the heck did it come around so fast!? This post shall be going live at the start of the new year- so I hope that you all ended 2016 on a high and welcomed the next chapter in the most wonderful way possible (with fizz and LOTS of food!) Much love X


  1. Aw, it sounds like you had a lovely Christmas! Happy new year to you! xx

    Paris x

  2. Happy New Year lovely! I'm glad to hear that 2016 was a good year for you. Hope 2017 is going to be even better. xo

    Antonia || Sweet Passions

  3. I couldn't agree more that spending quality time with family and friends that you don't get to see that often is a highlgiht of the festive season! I've had a wonderful time at home this Christmas, but back to uni tomorrow!! I salute you for working in retail over Christmas, I can't imagine the stress! Well done you for getting through! Best of luck for 2017!

    Abbey 😁

  4. Loved this! 2016 has taken a hit on all of us so it's refreshing to see some positive bits! Have the most amazing 2017 I can't wait to see what your blog brings to the party! x

  5. Lovely post and here is to another amazing year ahead!

    Holly x

  6. Happy new year lovely! It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, family time is one of my favourite things too. I get to see family members who I wouldn't usually see which is nice! Really enjoyed this style of post!

    Leanne xx

  7. Hi, the best part of December for me is spending time with my family as well. Have a fab 2017, Chloe

  8. Happy New Year! Hope 2017 treats you well. Sounds like you had a great Christmas :)
    Holly x | |

  9. Happy New Year lovely! I totally agree with you, sometimes it´s not the things but the experiences that make a month special. but I do love that a lot. I love remembering that experiences are something more special than anything materialistic. And also yes to winter walks!! (unless it´s raining)
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa
